Energy Codes & Masonry:
Thermal Mass, Shelf Angles & Veneer Ties

Tuesday, November 12, 2024 | 12-1 p.m. Eastern Time

As energy codes get stricter, how can masonry meet these new requirements and stay economical? Fortunately, masonry’s innate qualities like thermal mass can provide high performing and energy efficient buildings. Learn about how energy codes treat opaque walls including masonry and find out how to use thermal mass to your benefit. Masonry walls don’t need as much thermal insulation in a wall and cavity wall construction provides a perfect place for continuous insulation. In fact, single-wythe concrete masonry can meet the energy codes – you just have to know which method to use. New requirements for thermal bridging can also be challenging. Learn when a shelf angle is necessary and how to detail it to minimize thermal bridging. Finally, hear about new research that debunks the assumption that veneer ties are a thermal bridge.
WI project shelf angle cPatConway

Learning Objectives:

  • Use energy codes to your advantage when designing masonry by understanding mass wall requirements.
  • Learn how to use the thermal mass benefits of masonry in right-sizing the thermal envelope to create a comfortable building environment.
  • Detail masonry walls to conform to the energy codes at problem areas such as the foundation and floor lines.
  • Calculate thermal bridging of masonry elements based on research.

About the Speakers

Brian Trimble
Director Of Industry Development And Technical Services, IMI

Brian Trimble-1Brian is a professional engineer who has worked in the masonry industry for over 30 years, assisting design professionals in the design of masonry structures. He speaks frequently to local, regional, and national construction industry groups.

His career began with a brick manufacturer and he worked for the Brick Industry Association for over 20 years. For the International Masonry Institute he coordinates activities in the Western PA and Western NY areas. In addition to owners, contractors, architects, engineers, and craftspeople, he promotes masonry to a wide range of audiences. 

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