International Masonry Institute News

Taking Control


They are called “bricklayers” but it really doesn’t begin to cover what BAC members do these days. More than just making the skin or structure of a building, they are increasingly responsible for all the control layers in between that handle moisture, air, vapor and thermal performance.

It makes a lot of sense. Designers and owners are realizing that having one trade take on all the layers, especially when that trade really understands how the building envelope should perform, is simply more efficient.

That was clear this week at the Building Envelope event at the Ohio training center, where IMI partnered with manufacturers of some high performance masonry wall systems (Tremco, Prosoco, BASF) to show designers, owners and construction managers some real world applications, and how training can make all the difference.

Folks from the Ohio Schools Facilities Commission appreciated our timing, since they now require air barriers on all of their projects. One CM firm wants us to stage a similar demonstration for all of their supervisors.

"Very timely for current building project requirements."

CMs and owners are demanding single source responsibility for the building envelope.

We’re ready.

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