- Christopher Columbus Academy, photo credit: Robert Benson
"It's great when there is a way for everybody to get together and understand how masonry can play an important role going forward," says Gerry Marotti, President and Secretary-Treasurer of BAC Local 1 CT.
We agree. At last week's Masonry Day in Cromwell, IMI and industry partners collaborated on a packed program of seminars and exhibits to get out the total masonry message. "Pooling our efforts only makes sense," says presenter Brian Trimble from the Brick Industry Association.
The day offered lots of solid design and construction information, plus glimpses into new products and design trends. Svigals+Partners architects opened people's eyes to how good design and budgets can peacefully co-exist. "We find ways to make it work," notes senior architect Bruce Wujcik.
Perhaps most valuable was the reassuring message that the masonry industry is ready, and the interest is strong.
They leave inspired. They find we're not just a square box building, and that we can meet the demands of whatever an architect or owner needs, says Marotti.
CT Masonry Day was co-sponsored by the Connecticut Trowel Trades Alliance, Mason Contractors Association of Connecticut, and Ceramic Tile Contractors Association of Connecticut.